Product Details
iStick Pico(preferable, innovative, compact & outstanding) 75w is an elegant piece of technology in a compact form, suitable for mod beginners as it has all the relevant features to dive into the smart technology such as TC(Ni200, Ti, SS316), Bypass & TCR Modes & the upgradeable firmware via the micro USB port. Has safety functions such as atomizer protection, atomizer low alert, low battery alert, low voltage protection, temperature protection, temperature alert, short circuit protection, no atomizer protection.
In a compact form the pico 75w has an OLED display screen, one 18650 battery slot (Batteries sold separetly), easy access to replace batteries with an opening threaded cap, ventilation holes for improved heat dissipation, one fire button & two adjusting + - buttons on the base of the device. 22mm diameter tanks are best fitted on this mod.